Friday, April 15, 2011

Must have tools for working with Amazon AWS

For Java developers working on the AWS Amazon Cloud infrastructure.

S3 Organizer
Great Firefox plug-in that allows uploading and downloading of files to and from Amazon S3 with a friendly GUI. You can modify files Access Control Policies and create time limited URLs.

Another Firefox plug-in that provides basic Amazon EC2 management features. Currently, the web-based AWS Management Console has outgrown this in features.

Firefox plug-in that implements an AWS Route53 GUI client.

Open source plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that makes it easier for developers to develop, debug, and deploy Java applications using AWS. Features: AWS SDK for Java, AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment, Amazon Simple DB Management and Amazon EC2 Management.

For Windows users, PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH. This will allow you to connect remotely to you EC2 instances.

This is an open source free SFTP client and FTP client for Windows. Its main function is safe copying of files between a local and a remote computer.

What other tools do you find useful for working with AWS?

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